But are you sure?
If you are preparing to graduate, it is easy to get caught up in the excitement. But if you did not pay close attention to the graduation requirements, it is possible that your celebration could turn into frustration. Forgetting to submit a form or failing to confirm your last course can bring your graduation goals to a screeching halt. So, before you celebrate your big achievement, check to see if any of these nine things could prevent you from graduating – and what you can do to make sure you reach the big day.
1. You are not actively enrolled.
Confirm that you are an actively enrolled student with the University at the time you apply for graduation and complete your degree requirements. If you are unsure about your enrollment, your Student Profile page in myEdison® indicates your current status on the top right of the dashboard.
2. You have a financial balance on your account.
You must have a zero balance on your student account to be certified for graduation. Contact the Office of Student Financial Accounts before you submit your application and verify that you owe nothing on your account. If you incur a charge after you apply for graduation, quickly pay off your remaining balance so it does not affect your graduation date.
3. You missed the deadline to apply for graduation.
The deadline to submit your graduation application, fees and transcripts will correspond to the month you are eligible to graduate. The last course(s) you are enrolled in will also dictate in which month you will be eligible for graduation. The University confers degrees four times per year, and your name and degree will be presented to the Board of Trustees on the date of your graduation for approval.
4. You did not pay the graduation audit fee.
First determine whether your current program requires a special graduation form, but most applicants can file the graduation application through Online Student Services. Once you submit your application, you will be instructed to pay the graduation audit fee. Until you pay your graduation audit fee, your application will not be sent to the Registrar’s Office.
5. Your GPA did not meet the minimum requirements.
There are three GPA requirements you must meet to be approved for graduation: your overall Thomas Edison State University GPA, English Composition course GPA and/or your area of study GPA. Undergraduate students must have an overall 2.0 GPA for all three. Graduate students must have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher. If your cumulative TESU, English Composition, or area of study GPA does not meet the minimum requirement for graduation, make an appointment with an advisor to discuss your program options.
6. You never received an email confirmation.
After you submit your graduation application, you will receive an email from the University’s Registrar’s Office acknowledging receipt of your application. This email will also contain information about the degree for which you are applying. If after two weeks from the date you submitted your form you do not receive an email, contact the Registrar’s Office to follow up.
7. The forms you submitted were not accurate.
Once a graduation auditor has confirmed that you have met all of the requirements for your degree program, you will receive a certification email. This email will note the degree you have been approved for as well as your anticipated graduation date. Review the email and verify that the degree listed is correct. If you do not receive a certification email, contact the Registrar’s Office to confirm they have your correct email address.
8. Your evaluation indicates that you have additional courses remaining.
Before you submit your graduation application, review your Academic Evaluation and confirm that it reads, “0 S.H. (Semester Hours) remaining” below the introduction of the first page. If you have completed course work that does not appear on your evaluation, request that your official transcript(s) be sent to the Office of the Registrar before the deadline for graduation.
9. You did not meet the credit residency requirements.
The Per Credit Tuition Plan, Military Degree Completion Plan, Navy University Partnership Program, Joint Program with Rutgers/SHRP and GoArmyEd/eArmy U Program require students to earn a specific amount of credit through the University’s courses and programs. It does not mean that you must physically be at the University or attend courses on campus, but it does mean you have to take a course, exam program or portfolio assessment offered by the University. If you are enrolled through any of these tuition plans, your evaluation will indicate that plan in your Student Profile. You can determine if you have satisfied your credit hour residency on your academic evaluation and on your unofficial transcript. Your advisor can also confirm if you have met these credits.

Written by Thomas Edison State University