Your transcripts from any other institutions you have attended are critical to your application. They can boost your candidacy for a competitive program, and allow you to transfer college credit that you have already earned and apply it to a new degree program.
The process of sending transcripts may seem confusing, and it may appear as if there’s a lot of effort involved to submit just one. Add the fact that there are many sources from which you can send a variety of transcripts. Whatever the reasons, many students forget, or just don’t bother to properly send one or more of their transcripts.
However, that’s a mistake any student can’t afford to make. So if you are just getting started on the transcript process, here’s how to send and submit every kind of transcript you may have from a host of potential sources.
From a Regionally Accredited College or University
Whether you attended college 5, 10 or 20 years ago, it's beneficial for you to send transcripts from all previous institutions you attended. Your official transcripts will be used to evaluate your previously earned credit (thereby helping you graduate faster!), or to determine if you will be successful in a specific program. Only official college transcripts are evaluated, and can be sent to Thomas Edison State University either through a secured electronic delivery system, or via mail directly from the institution’s Office of the Registrar in an unopened, sealed envelope.
If you prefer to submit your application as one cohesive package, the institutions you attended can often send your official transcripts in a sealed envelope for you to include within that application package. If you choose this option, do not open the sealed envelope.
From ACE (American Council on Education) and NCCRS (National College Credit Recommendation Service)
If you have completed any professional training programs, or courses and examinations reviewed by ACE for college credit, you can order an official transcript online as record of your efforts through the ACE CREDIT® Registry and Transcript System. After you create an account and order your transcripts, you can continually check on the status of your order and sign up to receive email notifications. If your training has been reviewed by NCCRS, you can obtain a transcript by following the steps listed in the NCCRS Steps for Transfer Credit. If you are not sure whether your training programs, courses or credentials have been recommended for college credit, be sure to review ACE’s list of evaluated organizations and the CCRS online directory.
From Foreign Credit Agencies
In place of transcripts, international students must submit a course-by-course foreign credential review provided by one of several agencies included on this list, here. Thomas Edison State University does not evaluate transcripts from other countries, We award transfer equivalency credit based on the foreign credential review. The University reserves the right to determine the amount and type of credit to be awarded based on the evaluations provided by these agencies.
From the Military
Depending on your military training, service members can earn college credit toward a degree program. You can request official military transcripts to be sent directly to the Office of the Registrar by contacting your corresponding military service branch. Service members and veterans of the U.S. Coast Guard, Army, Marine Corps and Navy Active Duty Reserve can electronically request an official transcript through the Joint Services Transcript (JST) website. The JST program provides a transcript for any service school, MOS, CLEP/DSST/ECE exam listed that has been passed and carries American Council on Education (ACE) credit recommendations. Review your JST online for accuracy before submitting it for a credit evaluation.
Service members and veterans of the U.S. Air Force should submit an official transcript from the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) to receive college credit.
If you are a service member who left the military before 1986, you can also submit a notarized photocopy of your DD 214 form, or original separation report, for credit review.
Thomas Edison State University will also grant credit for those military schools that have been evaluated by the Office on Educational Credit and Credentials of the American Council on Education (ACE). The ACE Military Guide explains how to order and submit the ACE CREDIT Transcript for military service, here. If you have attended a select military school that has undergone institutional reviews to award additional credits, but is not recommended by ACE, learn how to submit a notarized credential or a transcript from the reviewed organization to the University to receive credit, here.
From Credit-by-Exam Programs
If you have taken any exams for credit in the past, such as a CLEP®, official transcripts (score reports) must be sent by The College Board or other official reporting agency (for exams other than CLEP®) directly to the Office of the Registrar to receive the appropriate transfer credit.
From Any Professional Training, Licenses or Certifications
If you are interested in using Thomas Edison State University-assessed training to receive credit for any programs, courses or credentials that have gone through the Professional Learning Review process, request the organization to submit documentation either as a notarized credential or as an official transcript using the instructions listed here. In some cases, you can submit a notarized copy or current renewal card as official documentation of the license or certificate. Your academic advisor can help walk you through the process.
This article was originally published in January 2015 and has been updated for accuracy.

Written by Thomas Edison State University