Written by Meg Frantz, MPSL '20
For many of us, working from home every day is a brand-new experience. And for those of us who are students at the same time, finding that careful balance between doing our jobs and doing our homework just got a bit more challenging. Finding quiet times and places in our homes is even more precious than it was.
I’m finding myself challenged in more ways than I ever have before. But I am finding out what works for me. So, here are a few tips for how I am setting up my day and my household.
While you likely already have a favorite spot to do your course work, it would be ideal to find a different spot for doing your job. This way you have a change of scenery and won’t feel like all you have done is either work or school for an entire day. For me, I am working in a bedroom/office and doing my homework in the living room.
Get up at your regular time and try to follow your regular schedule. If you do homework first thing, still do that. If you go to work and do school work after, stick with that approach. There is no need to reinvent the wheel when change is already all around us.
I am finding that work especially is an excellent anchor right now. Talking and emailing with colleagues reminds me I’m not alone out here and that our work still matters. These interactions help to “fill my bucket,” so that I have energy for my studies and my job.
A lot of things are happening now that can be overwhelming, so take the approach of slow and steady on your homework. Have a series of questions that need to be answered? Think about only the first one. Write it up and, only then, turn to the second point of the assignment. You’ll look back and feel great about the progress you have made and won’t be overwhelmed researching three answers at the same time.
Include what you have to get done that day for work, for school and for your personal life. Try to make it each morning for the things that need to get done that day only.
Make sure to plan breaks throughout your day and have something fun to do in the evening. Work on a puzzle, watch a favorite TV show and then get a good night’s sleep so you are refreshed and ready to do it all again. If you are able, be sure to get outside for some fresh air.
I can’t wait to celebrate your accomplishment with you when you finish your studies. Graduation will be extra sweet. You can do this. We’re here for you anytime, anywhere.
Written by Meg Frantz, MPSL '20