Written by Thomas Edison State University
America is quickly becoming only two classes. The rich and the poor.
No place in America better demonstrates that vast disparity and irony than New Jersey. For New Jerseyans, we find ourselves in a state that still has major issues along race and zip code.
In the eleventh episode of TESU's Edison Sound Stage Podcast, watch or listen as Rev. Dr. Charles Boyer, pastor of Greater Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church in Trenton and the founder of Salvation and Social Justice, a non-partisan Black faith-rooted organization, joins President Merodie Hancock, PhD, in TESU’s 2nd Annual Tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. This virtual discussion touches on topics such as health equity, DEI issues, the pandemic’s effect on Trenton residents and MLK’s mission as it relates to the Trenton community.
Written by Thomas Edison State University