With the development of autonomous cars gaining traction in the auto industry, those with a vested interest in cybersecurity are warning about the inherent dangers.
If a series of cyberattacks against our critical infrastructure occur, apocalyptic fiction can quickly turn to reality.
Cybersecurity professionals work hard at limiting these mistakes and, during Cybersecurity Awareness Month in October, we encourage education and awareness training.
Statistics indicate while women make up more than 50 percent of the workforce, less than 10 percent of cybersecurity professionals are women and less than 5 percent are minorities.
Insider cybersecurity threats can cost an organization millions of dollars in damages. But a far greater threat exists when the insider is employed by the government.
The solution is cultural, not technological.
Hackers prefer to target people over technology because they are easier to manipulate. After all, why break through when you can convince someone to let you in?
The company trusted to safeguard our sensitive financial data had the cybersecurity of its data compromised. And it all came down to one thing.
Follow these simple online safety tips to protect your devices and information.
More than 4 billion records were stolen through data breaches in 2016. So as our cybersecurity defenses continue to improve, will we be any safer in 2017?