Written by Ceceilia "Ceil" O'Callaghan
Discussions about compensation are often challenging. Whether it’s for a new job or requesting a raise at your current job, it’s natural and common to feel fearful and anxious.
Though people will say to depersonalize it, having people assign a dollar value to you always feels personal. When you personalize it, the employer often feels more defensive. But when you depersonalize it, the negotiation process can become more comfortable and less combative. When you state your case in a logical manner based on facts, the conversations are more productive. To do this, follow these tips.
You’ll need to do a little research. To determine your value, you’ll typically want to:
Be ready to discuss your contributions if you are looking for a raise, or how you will be able to contribute immediately to the organization if you are interviewing for a new job.
You may not get everything that you request, so be prepared to compromise – this is not unusual during negotiations. That means avoid drawing a line in the sand unless you are prepared to leave if the employer does not meet your demands. Many people prefer to remain employed while they search for a new opportunity.
Hopefully you are successful, and you reach an offer or receive the raise you anticipated. If not, act like the professional you are. Take care of yourself by exploring new opportunities where you feel you are valued appropriately. Your success, rather than venting negatively about the employer, will be your best “revenge” – the employer will have lost a good professional.
Written by Ceceilia "Ceil" O'Callaghan