Written by Thomas Edison State University
When it comes to your academic evaluation, have you ever thought, “Hey, nobody ever told me that?"
Your customized academic program evaluation is an invaluable planning tool that shows you where your previously earned credit, like transfer credit and/or licenses/certifications, will fit into your degree, so you can see what courses you have left to take. It is organized into the different requirements needed to earn your degree (i.e. General Education, Area of Study, Free Electives), and as each requirement is fulfilled, the credit will appear with the corresponding grade.
But there’s more to it than that. Your academic evaluation requires planning and preparation.
Jot down questions or comments, draw arrows, highlight – whatever works best for you to identify areas of concern or confusion so you can address them immediately and get the answers you need.
Not only are there far too many distractions on the road, but you will also not be able to see the websites, recommendations and resources your advisor will discuss as he or she explains the degree planning process.
These codes indicate where credits have been applied and planned, pre-registered and in-progress, or if a course requirement has yet to be completed or selected.
By understanding your academic evaluation, you can make the right choices for earning your degree and planning ahead that are best for you.
Written by Thomas Edison State University