Written by Dr. Michael Williams
For many professionals, earning a business or management focused master’s degree is a career defining educational achievement. These degrees, such as the Master of Business Administration (MBA) or discipline-specific, the Master of Science in Management (MSM), are emblematic of acquiring graduate-level knowledge, competencies and skills in general business. However, earning a master’s degree can also be viewed as a beginning, not an ending of an advanced graduate educational journey.
To continue an educational journey, consider earning the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree. Acquiring the DBA degree is a key professional differentiator. It positions you in a rarified category of professionals who’ve distinguished themselves as scholar-practitioners equipped to address the complex institutional issues confronting 21st century global business.
Consider making the DBA degree your next professional development endeavor. Concerning beginnings and endings…, as Winston Churchill offered, “This is not the end nor is it the beginning of the end, but perhaps it is the end of the beginning.” Enroll in School of Business and Management’s Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree as a first step…the beginning of creating your future today!
Click here to learn more about Thomas Edison State University’s Doctorate of Business Administration or email me directly at mwilliams@tesu.edu
Written by Dr. Michael Williams