Written by Meg Frantz, MPSL '20
You’ve applied for the job and been selected for an interview. Congrats! Now, you sit in the interviewee's chair, perhaps discussing your experience or how you might approach different scenarios in the role. Hopefully, it’s going well! Yet, the time has come where the interviewer has asked all their questions of you.
But the interview isn’t quite over yet.
Because now, it’s your turn.
So, the interviewer asks, “Do you have any questions for me?”
You stare back and blink. What do you ask? What do you even want to know?
This is where it’s key to prepare a set of questions to learn more about your potential employer and the individuals with whom you are meeting. After all, you are interviewing them just as they are interviewing you! Researching the organization before you enter the interview will prepare you with talking points, gather the information you want to know and show your initiative. If you still aren’t sure what to ask, here are a set of useful questions that will help you learn all you need to know.
This question allows the interviewers to be introspective about what professional challenge(s) the company is facing and to think specifically beyond what may be worded in the job description.
It is good to find out more about the size of the immediate team and the larger institution. Do you thrive with an intimate group or with lots of individuals around? This helps you understand the environment so you can picture how you’d fit in.
This helps you understand what backgrounds the organization may value and indicates more about the organization’s culture.
Asking this shows that you aren’t just here to collect a paycheck. You are exploring this opportunity as part of a career-long plan for growth and advancement.
Be sure to ask them during your interview. For example, Thomas Edison State University specializes in degree completion for adults. If you were interviewing at TESU, a good question to ask is about defining who an adult is and for what type of student the school is looking.
If not indicated during the interview, ask questions about salary, timing of the interview process and other next steps.
The above are suggestions and certainly not an exhaustive list. Each interview should have unique inquiries, so you don’t want to ask basic questions that you can find the answer to with a bit of research. Time is valuable, and you want to make the most of what you have been given.
As you prepare for the interview, try to find out the names and positions of those with whom you will be interviewing. Be thoughtful about researching the employer. This will help you think of other questions as well.
As you proceed through the interview, be sure to read the room. Other questions may come to mind, so be sure to jot down a note to address them as the interview progresses. You may also need to eliminate certain questions if the timing doesn’t feel quite right.
Overall, always be sure to have questions to ask. You always want to show curiosity. The interview is not only for the company to learn about you; but also, it is about your interest in the company as well. Do you really want to work for this organization? Does it mesh with your values and goals? This process is a two-way street.
Follow your gut, be your best self and good luck!
Written by Meg Frantz, MPSL '20