Written by Christine Carter
You’ve filled out the application, been accepted and forwarded your transcripts to the University.
And now, you wait to see what transferred.
But why do you have to wait at all?
Since your evaluation is designed as a roadmap to degree completion, it is an ever-evolving review of credits that shows you what requirements have been fulfilled or still remain to complete your degree. So while your evaluation is not an official transcript, it documents your entire degree program.
So from the moment the Office of the Registrar receives your transcripts, your personalized Academic Evaluation has a long journey to confirm your credits before it posts to your Online Student Services account.
Here’s a step-by-step look at what goes into this process.
We receive the official transcripts you want evaluated for credit toward your chosen degree program. These will come from any regionally accredited institutions, ACE or NCCRS-reviewed institutions, or any licenses and certifications that the University’s Office of Assessment of Professional and Workplace Learning has reviewed for college credit.
All official transcripts received are matched by the Office of the Registrar’s records management department to your student record created by your initial application.
This is when you can check on the status of your documentation by logging into your Online Student Services account. Under the header ‘Academic Profile,’ click on ‘Transcripts Received’ to see a list of documents received by the University and the date they were received. You can also contact Enrolled Services to verify receipt of these documents.
If you are an applicant and/or re-enrolling student, you are placed into a ‘first-time queue’ to have your documentation reviewed and transfer credit added to your Academic Evaluation. The Office of the Registrar’s evaluation staff will make sure that any transfer equivalencies match the courses you have previously taken and add the correct credit, ensuring that academic policy is followed.
Evaluators confirm that all incoming transcripts come from a regionally accredited institution, and determine if the credit is semester- or quarter hour-based, as well as if it is graduate or undergraduate (or developmental) in level. They then use a tool called CollegeSource to review the transfer institutions' course descriptions in order to determine which University course equivalent can best be used toward your evaluation, if accepted. They will also reach out to the Deans in the specific school to confirm information regarding course equivalencies.
If needed, specific notes are placed at the end of your evaluation explaining any policy issues as well as how to make an appointment with an advisor for further information. This process can take up to 20 business days from the time the file is sent for evaluation.
As new transcripts are received, and if you have already had an evaluation completed, you are then put in the ‘update queue,’ which also takes approximately 20 business days from the time your file is sent for evaluation. The evaluation office staff reviews the new transcripts and makes any adjustments to your evaluation, including academic policies.
Each time a first-time evaluation or update evaluation is completed, evaluators input a special code to generate an email to you informing you that your evaluation has been updated.
You can then access your Academic Evaluation through your Online Student Services account. Once you are logged in, you will find the link listed under the header ‘Academic Profile.'
Written by Christine Carter